Acupuncture Sunderland
Opening Times:
Tues: 1:45- 6:25
Wed: 9:30 - 2:10
Thurs: 12:35 - 6:25
Fri : 9:30 - 2:10
0191 300 2518
Modern life
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Providing Everything You Need
Modern life takes its toll on all of us, no matter how 'good' your life is or the quality of your support circle. We often plod on, feeling not quite right, sweeping it off as feeling a bit low and it'll just pass. Headaches, body aches & stomach pains come along and we don't link it to our mental state, but very often, that's exactly what it is.​
It can sometimes feel difficult to ask for help or admit we're struggling with low mood or anxiety. There can be a sense of shame and guilt - 'What have i got to be down about?' - this only serves to keep us vulnerable for longer and it really is not true.
There is support right here to help you lift this and help you to cope, from a practitioner who has experienced this and fully understands how debilitating it can be & will provide you with a safe and non - judgmental space for treatment
Take the time to come along and get some help. Together, with the use of Acupuncture & various TCM methods, we can help ease that pressure. Even if you are currently taking medication for Anxiety/Depression, Acupuncture can compliment this and help you find balance.
Pain can be inflicted upon us in various guises. We have acute pain, which can be a pulled a muscle, an injury or a sudden twinge in the back. ​
We have chronic pain, which can be a whole host of different forms such as:​
FibromyalgiaRheumatoid & Osteo
Nerve damage
Scar TissueBack/Neck Pain
Plantar Faciitis​​
Basically anything that causes you discomfort on an on-going basis. Acupuncture is a proven method of helping to reduce pain and helping you to manage it better. It is a part of the NICE guidelines for treatment for chronic pain​
I have trained personally with Paul Adkins of the world renowned leading cosmetic treatment - Facial Enhance.
Cosmetic Acupuncture is a natural alternative to Botox, Fillers & Facelifts. It can help to repair damage and prevent further signs of ageing.
It does this as it helps the body to produce collagen ( a protein that is used by the body for skin production - it is what fills in those fine lines and keeps the skin looking plump) and to stimulate the facial muscles.
The treatment includes a facial and facial acupressure massage upon removal of needles